More Than a Personal Healing 

Multi Dimensional Healing shifts your energy system energetically at quantum levels, interconnected with the Universe. Your healing IS an earth healing.   Through this process of transformation, you can awaken deeper truth and break free from the disempowering cycles blocking you from your authentic nature.

You'll be working in a safe and sacred space of Universal SOURCE intelligence, the energies of Shakti/Divine Mother collective and Shiva/Master Healer forces merge to in sacred interface between worlds. This mystical convergence is devoted to your evolution and the evolution of the planet. 

Empower your personal self development path with Divine guidance to heal, transform, 
evolve and awaken.


"I wasn’t sure if they were going to be scary, drumming-up past traumas I didn’t want to remember. But that wasn’t the case. Bette was there every step of the way! Truths of self-love, divine self-reliance, creation and infinite peace were unearthed gems of awareness if I chose to let them sparkle and aid me. Vivid dreams and some intense physical sensations arose during some of my sessions, but it all made me stronger. Ultimately causing me to want and know more - allowing the stories to unravel versus staying in stuck patterns forever. It was energetic therapy in the most gentle, loving and limitless way.”

~ Client Testimonial 


 If you're ready to 

  • shift out of unwanted patterns 
  • break free from self-defeating cycles of negativity 
  • ease physical and emotional symptoms
  • dissolve attachments to the stories keeping you stuck in the past 
  • increase clarity and vitality
  • clear obstacles preventing your growth
  • develop a more fulfilling relationship with yourself and all of life
  • expand awareness
  • clear the way for your infinite self to emerge

You'll feel empowered during the integrative process following a proven formula specifically designed for dimensional release: grounding, regulation, embracing & relaxing, letting go, integration  reorientation and embodiment.,

Get transformative results  — not just for you, but for your ancestors, children and all of humanity.


"I need to tell you that my eyes healed up completely several days after our last session AND I had a BREAKTHROUGH session in clearing out terror and anger from many years ago...Whatever our peeps did, it was PHENOMENAL!"

~ Client with a Physical Issue


“Having worked with Bette for several years in both group and private sessions, I jumped at the opportunity to specifically confront decades-old trauma from loss of a family member. After the sessions, I have had greater peace in my life, & also new job opportunities presented themselves, no coincidence in my opinion!! Although we weren’t physically together during the appointments, I felt Bette energetically by my side every step of the way, as a loving connection & witness to the Divine Source.”

~ Client Review


MDH *Personal Session + Package DISCOUNTS 

$200 - 90 Minute Session 

$450 - Package of 3 Sessions (Save 25%)

$825 - Package of 6 Sessions (Save 30%)

$1100 - Package of 9 Sessions (Save 40%)

$2000 - Package of 20 Sessions (Super Saver 50%)

Subscribe to te MDH Newsletter to revive exclusive discounts.


“I have been doing multidimensional Energetic Trauma healing with Bette Hanson for the last two months. I have diagnoses of complex PTSD, anxiety, and clinical depression. Over the years I have tried DBT counseling, EMDR, traditional psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing Therapy and Healing Touch. Each of these modalities has been helpful in my healing journey. My work with Bette is much different from the other modalities I have experienced. The client is in a receptive state with Bette using her expertise to strengthen what needs strengthening, build what needs building, take away what no longer serves and bring what is ready for healing to the surface so that I can work with it. Each session brings new surprises and a deeper understanding of what the roadblocks are that have been holding me back. Little by little, Bette has been chipping away at these. I have noticed a gradual shift in my mood--like my baseline has become higher. I would highly recommend Bette's healing techniques."

~ Client Testimonial Presenting with Trauma





More Testimonials


*Disclaimer: All fees are due and payable prior to first session. All amounts paid are non-refundable and non transferable to other services. Payment for MDH services is for time shared and not results. It is not a substitute for medical evaluation, treatment or psychological therapy. Please seek appropriate personal care.