In a world where authentic connection is hard to find, you cannot skip over the personal. 

The basis of every Multi Dimensional Healing on a personal scale. is root level alchemy, transforming the repressed and hidden emotional issues related to dis-ease and imbalance, bring back harmony and health.

Your unhealed patterns dictate what you think about yourself until you resolve to change them. Many people try to bypass personal healing with instant gratification and feel-good alternatives. But it is precisely by moving through the personal level of healing, getting deep into the hidden roots of collective conditioning, that you gain the greatest rewards; expanding self awareness to deepen your connection to Universal truth and knowing.. ✨

Through the conscious focus of healing, illuminating and witnessing the pain you went through in being a karmic human on an awakening planet, you change your relationship to it. With transformation and evolutionary growth, you no longer have to pass it on unconsciously to the next generation, or to the people and situations in your current lives. It ceases to have power over you by controlling your behavior and emotions according to early childhood and other subconscious levels of conditioning. 

Multi Dimensional Healing (MDH) helps you steadily be present with it, to eventually become free from it.

This is the path of evolutionary transformation, It isn't for everyone. By its nature, evolutionary transformation changes you in a way that can be both deconstructive abd uncomfortable yet profoundly expansive and rewarding. if it calls to you, you're warmly invited to let MDH be a conduit for Source to serve and an Angel to illuminate and guide your process.

The ANGEL JOPHIEL as a powerful and grace-filled guide in every session. With Trinity, the intention serves to actively listen, and surrender into where it takes us. Jophiel is the Divine archetype of illuminating sacred beauty, as a coordinating force for the thousands of Divine beings congregated in a focal point outside of time to serve the needs of an evolving planet and an evolving YOU.  Divine Mother presence filled with Shakti energy is foundational, joined by Master healers representing Shiva energies for a balanced fand vital healing,

90 minute sessions are Divinely tailored to meey your needs accordingly. Possible uses include:

  • heal root level dis-ease and illness
  • transform trauma with ease and Grace
  • impactful Cancer protocols
  • relationship clearing and healing
  • resolve core mother wounds
  • clear father issues
  • restore regulation to an overstimulated nervous system
  • universal grounding to stabilize yourself amidst any turmoil


What sets evolutionary energy apart from other modalities is that it accesses Divine Consciousness, the Source of all unmanifested and manifesting creation. For instance, Reiki, Healing Touch and others can be viewed as flavors of ice cream that are very effective. Divine Consciousness on the other hand is what ice cream is made of resulting in transformative and awakening benefits.  Source is the Mystery that all Divinity pulls from and is constantly changing to serve humanities evolution. Divine Consciousness is your potential awaiting to evolve and Trinity is its tool to mine the depths of your incarnational (past life), ancestral (genetics), personal and collective conditioning, as a mission to envision a better you and better world.

Few realize just how much their genetic conditioning from ancestral history, incarnational conditioning from past lives, contribute to current life dis-ease, discomfort and challenging issues as related to the human collective consciousness. Using a proprietary process, Multi Dimensional Healing precision targets the area's above with the illuminating force of Divine Grace.

With Trinity Essence, we meet in a safe and sacred space of Universal luminosity, a magical interface between worlds. to follow intention. This mystical convergence is devoted to your evolution as a critical part of changing the current trajectory of the planet as Earthwork

Just some of the ways Multi Dimensional Healing can assist your journey:

  • energize and strengthen weak organs and systems
  • release limiting blocks, beliefs and imbalances  
  • clear subconscious layers of ancestral patterns imbedded in DNA
  • modify genetic patterns
  • transform incarnational/past life histories which keep you stuck in cycles of repetition
  • release emotional repression
  • awaken awareness to hidden layers
  • activate, balance and reorient to a lighter way of being in the world
  • restore evolutionary blueprints to align with core Truth
  • awaken to your authentic Nature
  • manifest potential and possibility

You are awakening to the realization that you are a quantum being, interconnected with the Universe living on a karmic planet, accumulating both the conditioning and wisdom of being human. Through the process of TRANSFORMATION, you can awaken out of old patterns to realize deeper truth, ultimately breaking free from the disempowering cycles blocking you from your authentic nature to begin to EMBODY your Divinity to live a new vision for a more harmonious life.



$200 - 90 Minute Session 


$450 - Package of 3 Sessions (Save 25%)

$825 - Package of 6 Sessions (Save 30%)

$1100 - Package of 9 Sessions (Save 40%)

$2000 - Package of 20 Sessions (Super Saver 50%)

Subscribe to MDH Newsletter to revive exclusive discounts.


Deep dimensional clearing is transformative for those wishing to clear unhealthy patterns that've developed over time and through lifetimes. Relationship clearing on a root-level, Divine consciousness level, carries a significant impact on how you view and relate to your partner, family or loved ones. It brings clarity, freedom and resolves grief, loss and built up negative feelings, quicker, faster and more efficiently as a means of growth and re-orientation.

Choose relationship clearing to...

  • start with a fresh slate in new and developing relationships
  • clear toxicity from unhealthy past relationships 
  • balance parental influence
  • soften sibling relationships
  • unhealthy work colleagues 
  • PARENTAL RELATIONSHIP CLEARING is some of the most profound and deepest work you will ever do. You share genetic, karmic, environmental and personality traits. Clearing this imprinted conditioned consciousness dives into delicate wounds and takes time and effort, but will result in creating the freedom to be your authentic, true Self unlike any other clearing. It is foundational work for those on a jourmey of inner self-development.

Many notice the difference immediately as layers of conditioning are transformed back into balance. While one session can be just what you need, relationship clearing typically takes several sessions to repattern and disentangle layers of conditioning. Parental patterns take a minimum of three (or more) per parentto be the most effective.

Here's what some are saying...

"I wasn’t sure if they were going to be scary, drumming-up past traumas I didn’t want to remember. But that wasn’t the case. Bette was there every step of the way! Truths of self-love, divine self-reliance, creation and infinite peace were unearthed gems of awareness if I chose to let them sparkle and aid me. Vivid dreams and some intense physical sensations arose during some of my sessions, but it all made me stronger. Ultimately causing me to want and know more - allowing the stories to unravel versus staying in stuck patterns forever. It was energetic therapy in the most gentle, loving and limitless way.”   ~ Client Testimonial 

“I have been doing multidimensional Energetic Trauma healing with Bette Hanson for the last two months. I have diagnoses of complex PTSD, anxiety, and clinical depression. Over the years I have tried DBT counseling, EMDR, traditional psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing Therapy and Healing Touch. Each of these modalities has been helpful in my healing journey. My work with Bette is much different from the other modalities I have experienced. The client is in a receptive state with Bette using her expertise to strengthen what needs strengthening, build what needs building, take away what no longer serves and bring what is ready for healing to the surface so that I can work with it. Each session brings new surprises and a deeper understanding of what the roadblocks are that have been holding me back. Little by little, Bette has been chipping away at these. I have noticed a gradual shift in my mood--like my baseline has become higher. I would highly recommend Bette's healing techniques."   ~ Client Testimonial Presenting with Trauma

"I need to tell you that my eyes healed up completely several days after our last session AND I had a BREAKTHROUGH session in clearing out terror and anger from many years ago...Whatever our peeps did, it was PHENOMENAL!"   ~ Client with a Physical Issue

“Having worked with Bette for several years in both group and private sessions, I jumped at the opportunity to specifically confront decades-old trauma from loss of a family member. After the sessions, I have had greater peace in my life, & also new job opportunities presented themselves, no coincidence in my opinion!! Although we weren’t physically together during the appointments, I felt Bette energetically by my side every step of the way, as a loving connection & witness to the Divine Source.”      ~ Client Working on Trauma

More Testimonials


Whether in person or distance, each session begins with a discussion of intention -- followed by an energetic multi dimensional healing. Depending on our dialogue a typical session can last 90-120+ minutes. 

This is a guided meditation style healing. Dress comfortably and be prepared for relaxation.

If this is a distance session you may wish to sit up in a comfortable position with spine straight and arms and legs uncrossed. Or if you prefer to lie down, make sure your spine is straight in a quiet, comfortable location where you won’t be disturbed. An ideal environment may consist of soft music, lit candles, and/or incense, for optimum relaxation. 

Quality hydration allows for energy to be received more effectively. Please drink plenty of water before and after throughout the day and the next few days. This energy is very purifying and the water can help flush toxins out of your system that may have been stirred up. 

Working with Source Intelligence, I'll begin a focused channeling designed to work on dimensional levels in your system. Every session is uniquely guided and surrendered to highest and best intention and need. Let go of all sense of expectation and doing,  allowing yourself to just be with whatever is happening. Just let the energy of the Divine do the work. 

Dimensional healing reaches into karmic and genetic patterns as a member of collective humanity to transform them. It is one of the deepest forms of healing. The session often raises awareness of blind spots and shadow sides: the subconscious conditioning held in your system that you’re not aware of. Be open to meeting it and welcome in a new reality.  

When the session is finished if you are in a state of relaxation, you may wish to continue your process undisturbed for as long as it resonates. Do not feel you have to get up or engage right away.

Again, plan at least 90-120 minutes of your time to include any discussion and follow up. First sessions may last slightly longer.


Transformational healing is different for everyone. Evolutionary energy follows a proprietary protocol to clear at quantum and cellular levels for alchemical results. You will be changed. You may feel refreshed, blissful, calm, peaceful, see visions, fall asleep, get hot or cold, feel pain, memories may arise, discomfort may happen. 

As a positive sign of shifting, some may also experience negative detoxing symptoms in an emotional, psychological, physical, mental or spiritual way. Typically it is temporary, leading you through the other side into the space and freedom beyond your conditioning. Practice your own self care and integrative tools.

Don't worry if you don't have any of the above. Each and every session is different. Let go and surrender to the process. Trust that whatever manifests is exactly what is needed.

The mission of Earthwork is to remember your interconnectivity; as you change, so does the planet.

To get an idea of the energy, you may wish to visit the Multi Dimensional Healing YouTube channel for replays of group events: 






*Disclaimer: All fees are due and payable prior to first session. All amounts paid are non-refundable and non transferable to other services. Payment for MDH services is for time shared and not results. It is not a substitute for medical evaluation, treatment or psychological therapy. Please seek appropriate personal care.