Personal Transformation is an act of resistance for the now times. Collective transformation is the long term solution for an Earth in transition.
Multi DImensional Healing is both, in one
Since 2006, Multi Dimensional Healing has offered dimensional evolutionary healing, transforming deeply ingrained patterns following the Divine guidance of Source. We gather in sacred wombspace of manifesting intentions to heal the collective wounds amassed throughout HIStory. In transforming our karmic, ancestral patterns within the interface of human consciousness, we free ourselves from ancient wounds that have limited us to embody new visions and versions of ourselves.
Not only must we awaken UP to transcend these limitations, we are awakening down through the layers of human suffering to embody the change we want to be!
It’s an honor to be of service as sheros and hero are uniting to heal this GreatSeparation to remember a greater interconnectivity united with Mother Gaia. Our Universal nature is watching and waiting to support our growth.
Evolutionary Energy Services for Transformation and Embodiment
• personal sessions
• weekly and monthly group healings
• Earthwork
Multi Dimensional Healing is Divine energy alchemy. You'll work with Source to transform collective consciousness. What this means is that you have cosmic help and guidance to transform the hidden patterns that are typically out of our awareness. Collective consciousness is made up of dimensional layers of our past lives and ancestral histories of our personal experience playing out within humanity. Your past, present and future selves join together in a sacred space between worlds.We are met by a Divine Intelligence team to navigates what can be an impossible and extremely complex process. The Grace of the Divine flows effortlessly in service to a greater purpose -- to help the planet evolve.
Choosing to shift and heal on a dimensional scale, leads to growth and wholeness. We are all connected on quantum, vibrational levels; when one person grows, heals and evolves, it impacts the whole. Your private moments of inner healing, expand to create momentum within morphic fields, supporting widespread change. This is earthwork — personal transformation that contributes to actively altering the planet.
Gaia says: “As you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed."
As more and more of us choose the healing path,
- actions become more intentional
- decisions become more compassionate
- thinking becomes clearer
- awareness is expanded
- truth is revealed
- and the future becomes brighter, biggerm better!
Most folks view the world as a separate thing. We have a job, family, friends, likes, dislikes and identify with all of it. We assume roles, take positions, think thoughts, establish belief systems and experience it all through this lens of perception. We see, act and believe through this worldview. Trees give us shade, oxygen and wood. Sunlight is for tanning and spectacular views as it rises and sets. Water is what we use to wash, drink and irrigate. Animals give us companionship and food...
But for a greater part of human existence, our ancestors lived in a different world from what we now know. It was alive, planets guided us, with conscious relationship. Birds, insects and animals were our relations. The sun was a God, the Earth our Mother and the air, water, soil and minerals talked to us just as easily as we communicate with each other now. Fairies, sprites, elves, dragons, wizards and all kinds of magical beings shared this common way of life. It was an animated existence of frequency, vibration and energy. Our senses were aligned to it as a normal way of being. For tens of thousands of years, it was the water we swam in, the air we breathed.
In the last 3-5000 years of post modern society, phasing itself into erased an industrial revolution gradually changed itself to see the world as a commodity to serve an ever-growing population. We transitioned from a high frequency existence to a dense and constricted lifestyle of karmic reactivity cycling itself through patriarchal ideals of power, wealth and control. The consequences for humanity were brutal: war, violence, corruption, division and greed. Our magical existence was lost and forgotten as scientists, anthropologists, physicians and theologians rewrote, co-opted and re-defined history. To the extent we mainly know our spiritual roots through myth, fairy tales and symbolism. We treat the world as something to harvest, oor bodies as vehicles for pleasure, pain and imagery and sacredness is externalized in Gods out there or up there.
There is still this law of knowing that resides within you that whispers. Its the same spark that resides within us all and within everything around us.. When we pause to listen, it becomes a resounding awareness that we resonate with deeply -- as Truth.
If you are ready to remember your lost origins.
If you want to reconnect to an infinite, timeless, alive, universal life force that underlies everything.
If you resonate with oneness and wholeness, the building blocks of earthwork.
Humanity is being asked to return home to TRANSFORM and EMBODY its spirit in union with all of cosmic Nature.
The programs, groups, personal sessions and guidance found here, support EARTHWORK, with evolutionary energy practices and techniques to HEAL, EVOLVE, TRANSFORM AND AWAKEN.
"The benefits of Trinity’s grounding are tremendous! It brings the alignment of body, mind, spirit in such a way that well-being floods the system and allows deep relaxation to occur. Once there, creativity sparks solutions which come without effort to problems you didn’t know you were trying to solve, yet solve nonetheless. It’s like a reboot of a computer and all of a sudden the operating system is working better. The mindless cash is emptied, freeing up space to be at peace. The core, finally centered, can assess accurately, instead of going down rabbit holes chasing that which will not bring solutions, but create disruption to the outcomes one is seeking. There is no replacement for Trinity's grounding capabilities,". ~ Client Review
"In the Trinity Essence session… I thought I was pretty well grounded, but I have been amazed by the vitality I found surging through me after the work - and which has continued... I will certainly listen to this session again, as I love this feeling of moving through tasks which had seemed so difficult with ease and grace.” -- Personal Session Reviews
“Not for the faint hearted !! Bette’s deep dive sessions drive a stake right to the depths of the issues murky layers and lance out great swathes of tenderness to hold up and see that it’s not real you; it’s all there and completely divine, just allow, embrace and surrender/transform.
Conducted with such grace, heart and sweetness, Bette’s sessions have you flowing with the energy, following her guided sense of the groups path and relaxing in her encouragement to let go of the resistance right deeply into the root and core of where you didn’t even fathom you needed to go.
IT'S GAME CHANGING !” - Transformation Online Group Review
“Wow, I wasn't expecting this. It was exactly what I needed. It affected me in waves. When I invited Trinity into this session, I felt physically expanded as if I was a balloon that needed to get bigger. Interesting feeling... once I expanded I felt a whole lot of compacted stuff shift and then leave. This happened during the entire session, especially at the end.”. ~ Client Testimonial
“The Trinity Essence energy is so amazing and beautiful! This is what I have been praying for all my life… I still have soo much work to do... But even as I'm writing this there is something within me saying you're OK, you're fine, just keep going forward. This is nothing short of AMAZING." ~ Embodying Presence Review
"I can’t believe how much has been happening, new doors are opening up daily for me. I pinch myself and feel so incredibly blessed. To think I met you 1 year ago and I was in such victimhood. Your work is so remarkable truly and I am forever grateful and forever changed. Thank you so much for ALL you have done for me, you are truly amazing.” -- Client review
“ Just wanted to say thank you for all you do! I have such self awareness and self reflection these days. I’m growing exponentially and it feels amazing! So many weights have been lifted off my shoulders. Thank you for being an instrumental part of my breakthroughs and successes. Before I met you last august I was on the couch daily being sick and truly a victim and now I am able to see that so clearly. If it wasn’t for you I would have never got my ass (pardon me) off the couch and started back at fulfilling my dreams of going back to school and getting my PHD and starting my very own business. My hats off to you Bette! I have such love and gratitude in my heart." - MDH Testimonial
"Oh my, that was very deep and powerful. it shook me, made me nauseous, disappeared me, and blissed me out. Thank you for your beautiful facilitation. I think we must have had a wonderful collection of particular Energy Fields, because we moved a LOT of Energy through the collective. ...you did a great job, while helping us feel safe and sound. It was a delicate dance, nicely done!” - Group Healing Review
“It felt so much stronger. I no longer felt just connected to the central core of the earth but coupled like a train engine to a boxcar. The connection felt solid and secure, broad and very light filled. It made me feel the connection in the root chakra but then it reached the heart and now I always feel as if I am wrapped up in a big, full body hug. This loving hug is felt all over like a light column. Amazing.” - Client Review
“Imagine how the world will change when humanity realizes its interconnectedness with all life and works together to restore health and well being of the whole.”
~ Nassim Haramein

Disclaimer: Multi Dimensional Healing is an energetic practice ofcomplementary energetic healing tools. Payment is for time only. Services are not a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. Please consult your physician for medical or psychological issues in addition to any follow up treatment needed.