Update your power cord to help you ground and align more with higher consciousness while embodied here on the earth plane. The amazing thing is that the two downloads came through on consecutive years.The first upgrade came through in the very last INTEGRATION session on December 30 2021. The new power line needed two days to integrate to help us flow more gracefully with change for the next download on New Years day, in the 2022 energy.
“We listened to the replay this morning. Woah! I was buzzing with energy for about 2 hours afterward. I mostly wanted to THANK YOU !!! for the healing! I can go up and down the stairs without getting overly winded!! I didn't realize I was so blocked. Look at all the progress I have made this past year in the condition I was in. Imagine the possibilities now !!”
“I wanted to send you my sincere gratefulness for having your session on this first day of the new year. I am filled with such peace and calm. I am still feeling the stillness that in 2021 I often ran away from. I can’t quite put it into words this lingering white noise I feel throughout…but it makes me smile.”
Access BOTH December 30 Integration and the Jan 1st New Years Day sessions below to get your power cord upgraded as an EXCLUSIVE Earthworker perk. And, see if you can feel the difference in energies.from one year to the next.
to END 2021 & Prepare for 2022
Your New Years Eve-Eve Session was special evolutionary energy for transformation.
The video above is a recorded replay of an Integration energy immersion from Jan 30, 2021 and represented the END of one year and beginning of the next. It was so much more than I could ever have imagined it to be.
In every session, we gather in sacred space and meet YOUR personal guide who ushers you through each of the phases. In this session a chorus of New Years Eve angels joined the Divine Mother Collective. Merlin and other Master Healing Guides and an assortment of Divine ambassadors and cosmic emissaries dedicated to evolution of you and the planet. I simply refer to them as 'Source Intelligence'. We started with installing/upgrading your grounding cord/power line to create a more efficient and powerful grounded ability to flow with change. We spent an inordinate amount of time updating it. You’ll see later on why Source did this… The healing pool phase regulated it as a form of deepening its ability to serve your needs. And the relaxation vibrations of love/peace focused on the leftover blockages in the lower chakras, kidneys, hips and spine that impact this flow. A lot of time and focus was on the stabilizing the functionality of the power cord’s ability to perpetuate grounded flow — meeting life’s challenges, disturbances, joy and happiness with equanimity. Equanimity is defined as the quality of evenness of mind or temper; especially under conditions adapted to excite great emotion. That calm temper or firmness of mind which is not easily elated or depressed; patience; calmness; composure. We then proceeded to integrate and optimize the function, quality and essence of each of the endocrine glands: the adrenals, gonads (testes & ovaries), thyroid, pineal, pituitary and hypothalmus. It helped with overall hormonal and metabolism health. Lots of shifts and movements occurred, resulting in creating more calm, peace and stillness within. It was wonderful to feel the group field change so ‘effortlessly’ — aided im sure by the upgraded power cord. In reorientation the extra quality of effortless flow came in to deepen its blueprint. Source sent it out to the world in support of global change. The New Years Eve angels came in with individual force to work with your personal guide to enhance and amplify: repatterning the new blueprint within you and out into the Earth around us. After the past few days, months and even years of uncertainty, questioning and heaviness, this session was cleansing, uplifting, and inspiring. Listen to it ANYTIME you need a boost of energetic harmony, recharging and strengthening your ability to flow with life as it is.This first day of the new year 2022 was filled with Presence. It starts with grounding into Earth to receive a gift of your asking. Then, we upgrading your grounding cord to become more multi dimensional; anchored in the awakening energies of Earth and flowing effortlessly upwards to the center of your cosmic Beingness. This upgrade creates a YOU that is more centered in your awareness that is FREE of ego, fear, stress and conflict of day to day life; embodied in the here and now, flowing with Truth.